
n8n Telegram User Registration Workflow

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n8n Telegram User Registration Workflow

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Telegram User Registration module

Offers an efficient way to manage new and returning users in your Telegram bot workflow. It checks user data against a Google Sheets database, saving essential user information and ensuring personalized interactions.

Key Features:

  • User Lookup: Searches for users in a Google Sheets database based on their unique Telegram ID.
  • New User Handling: Automatically registers new users, capturing details such as first name, last name, username, and language code.
  • Returning User Recognition: Detects when an existing user returns and updates their status.
  • Data Storage: Safely stores user information in a structured format, with fields for status and date of registration.
  • Personalized Greetings: Delivers customized welcome messages for both new and returning users, promoting engagement.

Setup Instructions:

  1. Copy this Telegram User Registration Workflow
  2. Follow the instructions inside:

    1. Use Google Sheet template
    2. Set up your credentials
    3. Use example data to test workflow
    4. Customization: Adjust the status and messages for users based on your bot's needs.

Connecting to the bot Workflow:

  • Copy my Telegram bot starter template for n8n
  • Copy Workflow ID of your Telegram User Registration Workflow

  • Find the Register module in Telegram bot starter template and paste your Workflow ID

  • Now the user's data is entered into the Register Workflow.

This module provides a scalable foundation for managing user registration, whether your bot is for meal planning, customer support, or other interactive services.

My easy to set up Telegram bot modules:

Please reach out to Victor if you need further assistance with you n8n workflows and automations!

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You'll get access to source code, documentation, installation tutorial and example n8n workflows.

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Example workflows
included (n8n)
Installation guide
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